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번역 결과

"手機" ~ 중 영어 번역




Mobile phone

관련 콘텐츠

'UV 房的同事請安排協助其他生產線的工作,全部在玩手機遊戲。我不希望看到這樣的場面!請馬上安排及執行!' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Colleagues in UV room please arrange to assist other production lines, all playing mobile games. I don't want to see such a scene! Please arrange and implement it immediately!。
'請安排UV 房的同事請安排協助其他生產線的工作,全部在玩手機遊戲。我不希望看到這樣的場面!請馬上安排及執行!' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Please arrange colleagues in UV room to assist other production lines, all playing mobile games. I don't want to see such a scene! Please arrange and implement it immediately!。
'這款手機怎麼樣?' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: How about this phone?。
'收件姓名 何裕欽 ,收件地址 中国广東省东莞市清溪镇科技路51号 ,电话: 86-769-86815666 ,手機: 86-18680146188' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Recipient name Heyuqin ,To address No. 51, Keji Road, Qingxi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China ,Telephone: 86-769-86815666 ,Mobile: 86-18680146188。
©2018 온라인 번역