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번역 결과

"读课本" ~ 중 영어 번역




Reading textbooks

관련 콘텐츠

'为做好本次课题的研究,提高自身的专业知识修养,做好大学生涯的最后一次作业,在完成课题的过程中要积极参与其中,搜集各种形式的与本课题内容有关的资料并多读掌握其中要点。重读课本,掌握各种方法的要领与步骤,做到能熟练运用。切实掌握测绘的专业知识。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: In order to do a good job in the research of this topic, improve their professional knowledge cultivation, and do the last assignment of college career, we should actively participate in the process of completing the topic, collect various forms of data related to the content of this topic, read and master the key points. Reread the textbook, master the essentials and steps of various methods, and be able to use them skillfully. Master the professional knowledge of Surveying and mapping.。
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