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"茶客" ~ 중 영어 번역




teahouse customers

관련 콘텐츠

'“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公。”中国是茶的故乡、茶文化发祥地。,  茶,神奇的东方树叶,蕴含着一种山川灵气。《红楼梦》写茶有260多处,《金瓶梅》中则达600多处,可见茶文化的博大精深。可以说,中华民族五千年文明画卷,每一卷都飘着清幽茶香。,  茶,源自中国,盛行世界,既是全球同享的健康饮品,也是承载历史和文化的“中国名片”。在众多的中国名茶中,普洱茶被誉为“可以喝的古董”。优质的普洱茶口感在时间长河里发生奇妙的变化,引来诸多老茶客的追捧,尤其是普洱老茶。它们是普洱茶宝库里的瑰宝级存在,身价不菲,弥足珍贵。, 好的茶叶有极高的收藏价值,  2019年10月,保利香港秋季拍卖盛会平稳收官,共收获7.45亿港币,共19件拍卖品超千万成交。其中,上世纪四十年代的一条龙·古董普洱圆茶(生茶)共计七片,以1003万港币的成交价被拍出,证明了年份普洱老茶的身价不菲,与众不同的金融属性和收藏价值。,  普洱茶蕴含中国传统之历史传承价值,时间赋予普洱茶独特的年份价值,随着消费普洱茶的区域越来越大,粉丝拥趸越来越多,意味着普洱茶市场增大,普洱茶的流通会随之提高,所以普洱茶除了品之外,也是一个值得投资的好项目。,为了给大国匠心品牌——深圳市宜雅红木家具艺术品有限公司(以下简称泰和园)的新老会员及普洱茶爱好者提供一个学茶和交流茶的私享空间,由泰和园发起,携手众多普洱茶藏家共同成立品茶、论茶和鉴茶的文化平台——泰和茶道会。泰和园定期举办各种主题的普洱茶分享会,每期都会精选3-5款特色普洱老茶供茶友免费品鉴、共同鉴赏茶叶的品相、香气、味道及汤色等,一同探究普洱茶的古老文化和收藏价值。,其实,与普洱茶一样极具收藏价值的还有艺术家具。众所周知,近10年间,中国古典家具,尤其是明清两代的家具,因其精湛的工艺和独特的文化底蕴受到国际市场的关注,与瓷器一起,并称为“能真正立足国际艺术品投资市场上的中国艺术品”。国外收藏界对中国古典家具的追捧,也刺激了国内收藏市场,令收藏家们热血沸腾,掀起一股明清古典家具和艺术家具收藏热,市场价升值几十倍甚至上百倍的收藏品极为普遍。,作为当代艺术家具品牌,泰和园一直致力于打造当代艺术家具,6度蝉联“红木家具艺术品牌”,作品曾被中国国家博物馆收藏,泰和园当代君子系列作品还曾亮相北京保利秋拍惊艳业界!泰和园以为当代社会精英提供可以收藏的高品质艺术家具为使命,将传承了千年的丝翎檀雕技艺与君子精神融入到家具设计之中,既有欧洲古典家具的尊贵,又有中国明式家具的文雅。,艺术家具和普洱茶一样极具收藏价值,  好的艺术家具,和好的茶叶一样都有极高的收藏价值。经过时间的沉淀,你就会发现泰和园当代艺术家具的收藏价值和人文精神。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: "Tea is a drink. It comes from Shennong and is heard by Duke Zhou of Lu." China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture.,Tea, the magical Oriental leaves, contains a kind of mountain aura《 There are more than 260 places about tea in a dream of Red Mansions and more than 600 places in Jin Ping Mei, which shows that the tea culture is broad and profound. It can be said that the five thousand years of civilization of the Chinese nation, each volume is floating with the fragrance of tea.,Tea, originated in China, is popular all over the world. It is not only a global health drink, but also a "Chinese card" carrying history and culture. Among many famous Chinese teas, Pu'er tea is known as "a drinkable antique". The taste of high-quality Pu'er tea has changed wonderfully over a long period of time, which has attracted many old tea customers, especially Pu'er tea. They are treasures in the treasure house of Pu'er tea. They are valuable.,Good tea has high collection value,In October 2019, poly Hong Kong autumn auction closed smoothly, with a total harvest of HK $745 million and 19 auction items over 10 million. Among them, seven pieces of antique Pu'er round tea (raw tea) from the 1940s were sold at a transaction price of 10.03 million Hong Kong dollars, proving that the old Pu'er tea of that year is worth a lot of money and has unique financial property and collection value.,Pu'er tea contains the historical heritage value of Chinese tradition. Time endows Pu'er tea with unique year value. With the growing consumption area of Pu'er tea, more and more fans support Pu'er tea, which means that the market of Pu'er tea increases and the circulation of Pu'er tea will increase. Therefore, Pu'er tea is not only a good product, but also a good project worthy of investment.,In order to provide a private space for the new and old members of Shenzhen Yiya mahogany furniture art Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Taihe garden) and Pu'er tea lovers to learn and exchange tea, Taihe garden initiated and joined hands with many Pu'er tea collectors to establish a cultural platform for tea tasting, tea discussion and tea appreciation Taihe tea ceremony. Taihe garden regularly holds various themes of Pu'er tea sharing meetings. Each session will select 3-5 kinds of characteristic Pu'er old tea for tea friends to appreciate free of charge and appreciate the appearance, aroma, taste and soup color of tea, so as to explore the ancient culture and collection value of Pu'er tea.,In fact, like Pu'er tea, art furniture has great collection value. As we all know, in the past 10 years, Chinese classical furniture, especially the furniture of Ming and Qing Dynasties, has attracted the attention of the international market because of its exquisite craftsmanship and unique cultural heritage. Together with porcelain, it is known as "Chinese art that can really stand on the international art investment market". The pursuit of Chinese classical furniture by foreign collectors has also stimulated the domestic collection market, which has aroused the enthusiasm of collectors, and set off a collection fever of classical furniture and art furniture in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is very common for collectors whose market price has increased by tens of times or even hundreds of times.,As a brand of contemporary art furniture, Taihe garden has always been committed to building contemporary art furniture, and has won the title of "art brand of mahogany furniture" for six times. Its works have been collected by the National Museum of China, and the series of works of contemporary gentleman of Taihe garden have also appeared in Beijing Poly autumn photography, which is amazing to the industry! Taihe garden takes the mission of providing high-quality art furniture that can be collected by the elites of contemporary society as its mission, and integrates the silk feather sandalwood carving skills and gentleman spirit inherited for thousands of years into the furniture design, which has the dignity of European classical furniture and the elegance of Chinese Ming style furniture.,Art furniture is as valuable as Pu'er tea,Good art furniture, like good tea, has high collection value. After the precipitation of time, you will find the collection value and humanistic spirit of Taihe garden contemporary art furniture.。
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