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번역 결과

"因为新要求和旧的要求 扣套要做的区域完全是反的,所以就意味着生产之" ~ 중 영어 번역


因为新要求和旧的要求 扣套要做的区域完全是反的,所以就意味着生产之前做的就完全没用了,要全部重新做扣套了。会花费不少的时间,请知悉。


Because the new requirements are completely opposite to the old requirements, it means that what was done before production is completely useless, and all the buckles need to be made again. It will take a lot of time, please know.
In addition, the production has reported that this batch of work has taken more than 10 hours. I'll let you know first. Thank you.

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