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번역 결과

"随着国际经济形势的变化以及我国“十四五”规划的实施,国家宏观经济政" ~ 중 영어 번역




With the changes of the international economic situation and the implementation of China's 14th five year plan, the national macroeconomic policy
The inclination of the policy to the transformation and upgrading of enterprises has greatly changed the environment of the domestic construction industry. In today's China, architecture
The industry is at an important port of market-oriented transformation, and construction enterprises will also face new forms of competition and development models
In the context of the new era, the industry competition needs the supplement of a large number of talents, and recruitment management is regarded as human resources
The source of source management plays an extremely important role in the future strategic direction of the company. Enterprises should seek higher
To occupy a seat in the process of globalization, we must have a more perfect and strategic recruitment management system as a support.

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