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"程序员" ~ 중 영어 번역





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'程序员烨然' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Programmer Ye ran。
'PHP在线翻译课程,基于Google translation API(Google translation API for PHP)开发,07-26,Google Translate API for PHP是一个基于Google Translate的翻译类,可以帮助PHP程序员实现多种语言的翻译。这个类使用Google的Ajax translate API和Snoopy类通过模拟HTTP请求来翻译数据。该课程由辰远于2010年3月开发。由于用户有很多问题,所以在2010年6月修改并发布完整的软件包是很方便的。以下是如何使用它:[代码]&它;,加入评论,请给出宝贵的意见。博客评论不受欢迎。必须共同保持良好的社区氛围。,表情符号,表情符号,PHP语言代码翻译uPHP在中文中是什么意思uweixin_40。。。,3-8,根据动态网站的要求,PHP语言作为一种语言程序,其特殊性在应用过程中逐渐显现。技术水平的好坏直接影响到网站的运营效率。它的特点是源代码开放,与C语言等通用语言高度相似,便于理解和操作,PHP自动翻译功能(中译英)weixin_30950237博客,3-20,2/ *.3.谷歌4*.5functiongoogletran($text){6if(empty($text))return"7sleep(1);/anti-disc 8$WF\file_get_contents($text))的中英文翻译http://translate.google.cn/translate_t?sl=zh中国大陆;amp;放大器?tl=en&放大器?text=“。urlencode($text)。“#”。。。,在线汉英翻译,07-30,你可以在线翻译中文和英文,并将其直接放在网站的后台!,PHP在线翻译类(基于Google translation API开发)1.0.1 zip,05-25,PHP在线翻译,ion类(基于Google Translation API开发)是基于Google Translation开发的翻译类,,这可以帮助PHP程序员实现多种语言的翻译。PHP在线翻译类使用谷歌的Ajax翻译API和Snoopy类通过模拟HTTP请求来实现数据翻译。更新协议:基本功能版本2010-06 1.0.0于2010年3月发布,封装在class 2010-10 1.0.1中,翻译服务器被替换,数据返回处理从JSON更改为array,使用官方PHP图像调用API进行文本翻译uu苗叔叔的博客,3-27,本文安排了使用PHP官方7.4.9的alpine图像调用腾讯翻译Juns API进行文本翻译的方法。提前准备好方法并挂载要在liumiaocn:PHP liumiao$docker run`PWD':/API PHP:7.4.9-cli-SH中使用的文件/,phpwind 7.3.2 rar的即时翻译插件,07-14,phpwind 7.3.2的即时翻译插件,PHP在线翻译,PHP在线翻译功能代码,微信42347465博客,二百七十六,拆分代码并按如下方式复制代码:/*。谷歌英汉翻译*。参数字符串$文本翻译集*。返回未知*。函数googletran($text){if(empty($text))return"""sleep(1);//anti-disc$WF=file_get_contents('0)http://translate.google.cn/tra...,PHP语言概念,planetoid_A的博客,七百零九,(1,x)PHP语言的基本术语 据统计,自2003年以来,中国的网站数量基本翻了一番,并呈上升趋势。PHP语言作为最流行的网站程序开发语言,具有成本低、速度快、可移植性好、内置功能丰富等优点,图书馆。因此,越来越多的公司将其用于网站开发。  PHP最初缩写为个人主页,现已正式更名为“PHP:超文本预处理器&引用;,或者超文本预处理器;这是一个通用的开源脚本,语言。PHP是一种在服务器端运行的脚本语言。与C语言类似,它是一种常用的网站编程语言。,酸碱度,php翻译辿载,百度翻译php口,火车头,威信33448555,213,定义(“卷曲超时”,30);定义(“URL”http://api.fanyi.baidu.com/api/trans/vip/translate&amp?amp;引用;);定义(“应用程序ID”、“你的应用程序ID”)//APPIDdefine(“SEC_密钥”、“您的SEC密钥”。。。,p' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: PHP online translation course is developed based on Google translation API (Google translation API for PHP),07-26,Google Translate API for PHP is a translation class based on Google translate, which can help PHP programmers realize the translation of multiple languages. This class uses Google's Ajax translate API and Snoopy class to translate data by simulating HTTP requests. The course was developed by Chenyuan in March 2010. Because users have many problems, it is very convenient to modify and release the complete software package in June 2010. Here's how to use it: [Code] & amp; amp; amp; It;,Add comments,Please give your valuable comments. Blog comments are not popular. We must jointly maintain a good community atmosphere.,emoticon,emoticon,PHP language code translation what does uphp mean in Chinese_ 40。。。,3-8,According to the requirements of dynamic websites, PHP language, as a language program, its particularity gradually appears in the application process. The technical level directly affects the operation efficiency of the website. It is characterized by open source code, highly similar to C language and other general languages, which is easy to understand and operate,PHP automatic translation function (Chinese to English)_ 30950237 blog,3-20,2/ *.3. Google 4 *. 5functiongoogletran ($text) {6if (empty ($text)) return & amp; quot; 7sleep (1); / anti disc 8 $WF \ file_get_contents ($text)) http://translate.google.cn/translate_t?sl=zh Chinese Mainland; amp; Amplifier? tl=en& amp; amp; Amplifier? text=“。urlencode($text)。“#”。。。,Online Chinese English translation,07-30,You can translate Chinese and English online and put them directly in the background of the website!,PHP online translation class (developed based on Google translation API) 1.0.1 zip,05-25,PHP online translation,The translation class (developed based on Google translation API) is a translation class developed based on Google translationThis can help PHP programmers achieve multilingual translation. PHP online translation class uses Google's Ajax translation API and Snoopy class to realize data translation by simulating HTTP requests. Update protocol: the basic function version 2010-06 1.0.0 was released in March 2010 and encapsulated in class 2010-10 1.0.1. The translation server was replaced and the data return processing was changed from JSON to array,Use the official PHP image call API for text translation UU uncle Miao's blog,3-27,This paper arranges the method of using the alpine image of PHP official 7.4.9 to call Tencent translation Juns API for text translation. Prepare the method in advance and mount the files to be used in liumiaocn: PHP liumiao $docker run ` PWD ': / API PHP: 7.4.9-cli-sh/,Phpwind 7.3.2 rar instant translation plug-in,07-14,Instant translation plug-in for phpwind 7.3.2,PHP online translation, PHP online translation function code,Wechat 42347465 blog,two hundred and seventy-six,Split the code and copy it as follows: / *. Google English Chinese translation *. Parameter string $text translation set *. Unknown * returned. Function googletran ($text) {if (empty ($text)) return & amp; quote; & amp; quote; & amp; quote; sleep (1); / / anti disc $WF = file_get_contents ('0) http://translate.google.cn/tra...,PHP language concepts,planetoid_ A's blog,seven hundred and nine,(1, x) basic terms of PHP language   according to statistics, since 2003, the number of websites in China has basically doubled and showed an upward trend. As the most popular website program development language, PHP language has the advantages of low cost, fast speed, good portability, rich built-in functions and so on,library. Therefore, more and more companies use it for website development.   PHP, originally abbreviated as personal home page, has been officially renamed "PHP: hypertext preprocessor & amp; amp; reference;, or hypertext preprocessor; this is a general open source script,Language. PHP is a scripting language that runs on the server side. Similar to C language, it is a commonly used website programming language.,PH,PHP translation, baidu translation, PHP port, locomotive,Weixin 33448555,two hundred and thirteen,Definition ("curl timeout", 30); Definition ("URL") http://api.fanyi.baidu.com/api/trans/vip/translate& ; amp? amp; Reference;); Define ("application ID", "your application ID") / / appiddefine ("sec key", "your sec key".)...,p。
'php在线翻译类,基于Google翻译API开发(GoogleTranslateAPIForPHP),07-26,Google Translate API For PHP是一个基于Google Translate开发的翻译类,可以帮助PHP程序员实现多国文字的翻译。 本类使用到了Google的AJAX Translate API和Snoopy类,以模拟HTTP请求的方式实现数据的翻译。 本类由尘缘于2010年3月开发,鉴于用户疑问比较多,便于2010年6月修正并发布完整程序包。以下是使用方法:[code] <,参与评论,请发表有价值的评论, 博客评论不欢迎灌水,良好的社区氛围需大家一起维护。,表情包,表情包,php语言的代码翻译_php翻译成中文是什么意思_weixin_40...,3-8,根据动态网站要求,PHP语言作为一种语言程序,其专用性逐渐在应用过程中显现,其技术水平的优劣与否将直接影响网站的运行效率。 其特点是具有公开的源代码, 在程序设计上与通用型语言,如C语言相似性较高,因此在操作过程中简单易懂,可操作性...,php 自动翻译函数(中文翻译成英文)_weixin_30950237的博客,3-20,2/**3* GOOGLE翻译 汉英4*/5functiongoogleTran($text){6if(empty($text))return"";7sleep(1);//反间碟8$wf=file_get_contents('http://translate.google.cn/translate_t?sl=zh-CN&tl=en&text='.urlencode($text).'#'...,在线中英文翻译,07-30,可在线进行中英文翻译,直接放入网站后台即可!,PHP在线翻译类(基于谷歌翻译API开发) 1.0.1.zip,05-25,PHP在线翻译类(基于谷歌翻译API开发)是一个基于谷歌Translate开发的翻译类,可以帮助PHP程序员实现多国文字的翻译。 PHP在线翻译类使用到了谷歌的AJAX Translate API和Snoopy类,以模拟HTTP请求的方式实现数据的翻译。 更新日志: 2010-03 发布基本功能版 2010-06 1.0.0,封装成类咯 2010-10 1.0.1,更换翻译服务器,数据返回处理由JSON改成数组,使用PHP官方镜像调用API进行文本翻译_淼叔的博客,3-27,这篇文章整理一下使用PHP官方7.4.9的Alpine镜像调用腾讯翻译君的API进行文本翻译的方法。 事前准备 使用方法 将要使用的文件挂载进来 liumiaocn:php liumiao$ docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/api php:7.4.9-cli-alpine sh / ...,即时翻译插件 for phpwind 7.3.2.rar,07-14,即时翻译插件 for phpwind 7.3.2,php在线翻译,PHP 在线翻译函数代码,weixin_42347465的博客,276,代码分享给大家复制代码 代码如下:/*** GOOGLE翻译 英汉** @param string $text 翻译句* @return unknown*/function googleTran($text){if(empty($text)) return "";sleep(1);//反间碟$wf=@file_get_contents('http://translate.google.cn/tra...,PHP语言概念,planetoid_a的博客,709,(1+x) PHP语言基本概念   据统计,从2003年开始,我国的网页规模基本保持了翻番的增长速度,并且呈上升趋势。PHP语言作为当今最热门的网站程序开发语言,它具有成本低、速度快、可移植性好、内置丰富的函数库等优点,因此被越来越多的企业应用于网站开发中。   PHP原始为Personal Home Page的缩写,已经正式更名为“PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor",即“超文本预处理器”,是一种通用开源脚本语言。PHP是在服务器端执行的脚本语言,与C语言类似,是常用的网站编程语言。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: PHP online translation class, developed based on Google translation API (Google Translate API for PHP),07-26,Google Translate API for PHP is a translation class developed based on Google translate, which can help PHP programmers realize the translation of multiple languages. This class uses Google's Ajax translate API and Snoopy class to translate data by simulating HTTP requests. This class was developed by Chenyuan in March 2010. Since users have many questions, it is convenient to revise and release the complete package in June 2010. Here's how to use it: [Code] & lt;,Participate in comments,Please make valuable comments. Blog comments are not welcome. A good community atmosphere needs to be maintained together.,emoticon,emoticon,Code translation of PHP language_ What does PHP translate into Chinese mean_ weixin_ 40...,3-8,According to the requirements of dynamic website, PHP language, as a language program, its specificity gradually appears in the application process. Whether its technical level is good or not will directly affect the operation efficiency of the website. It is characterized by open source code and high similarity with general-purpose language, such as C language, so it is easy to understand and operable in the process of operation,PHP automatic translation function (Chinese to English)_ weixin_ 30950237 blog,3-20,2 / * * 3 * Chinese English translation of Google 4 * / 5functiongoogletran ($text) {6if (empty ($text)) return & quot; & quot;; 7sleep (1); / / anti disc 8 $WF = file_get_contents (' http://translate.google.cn/translate_t?sl=zh -CN& tl=en& text='. urlencode($text).'#'...,Online Chinese English translation,07-30,You can translate Chinese and English online and put it directly into the background of the website!,PHP online translation class (developed based on Google translation API) 1.0.1 zip,05-25,PHP online translation class (developed based on Google translation API) is a translation class developed based on Google translate, which can help PHP programmers realize the translation of multiple languages. PHP online translation class uses Google's Ajax translate API and Snoopy class to realize data translation by simulating HTTP requests. Update log: the basic functional version 2010-06 1.0.0 was released on March 2010, encapsulated into class 2010-10 1.0.1, the translation server was replaced, and the data return processing was changed from JSON to array,Use PHP official image to call API for text translation_ Uncle Miao's blog,3-27,This article arranges the method of using the alpine image of PHP official 7.4.9 to call Tencent translate Jun's API for text translation. Prepare the method in advance and mount the files to be used in liumiaocn: PHP liumiao $docker run -- RM - it - V ` PWD ': / API PHP: 7.4.9-cli-alpine SH /,Instant translation plug-in for phpwind 7.3.2 rar,07-14,Instant translation plug-in for phpwind 7.3.2,PHP online translation, PHP online translation function code,weixin_ 42347465 blog,two hundred and seventy-six,Share the code and copy the code as follows: / * * * Google English Chinese translation * * @ param string $text translation sentence * @ return unknown * / function googletran ($text) {if (empty ($text)) return & quot; & quot;; sleep (1); / / anti disc $WF = @ file_get_contents ('0) http://translate.google.cn/tra...,PHP language concepts,planetoid_ A's blog,seven hundred and nine,(1 + x) basic concepts of PHP language   according to statistics, since 2003, the scale of web pages in China has basically doubled and showed an upward trend. As the most popular website program development language, PHP language has the advantages of low cost, fast speed, good portability and rich built-in function library. Therefore, it is applied in website development by more and more enterprises.    PHP, originally abbreviated as personal home page, has been officially renamed "PHP: hypertext preprocessor & quot;, or" hypertext preprocessor ", which is a general open source scripting language. PHP is a script language executed on the server side. Similar to C language, it is a commonly used website programming language.。
'Java是一种高级解释性、交互性和面向对象的脚本语言。在类中对数据进行封装,利用这种方便性,使开发程序更加简洁性和便于维护性。Java具有很多有关对象的特性,比如类的封装性和继承性,使用这些特性,只需编译一次程序代码,然后通过上述特性反复利用。程序员只需把主要精力用在类和接口的设计和应用上。。。。。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Java is a high-level interpretive, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Encapsulate the data in the class, and make use of this convenience to make the development program more concise and easy to maintain. Java has many features about objects, such as encapsulation and inheritance of classes. Using these features, you only need to compile the program code once, and then reuse them through the above features. Programmers only need to focus on the design and application of classes and interfaces.....。
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