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"托尼(瑞奇·热维斯饰)原本过着幸福美满的生活。但他的妻子丽莎去世后" ~ 중 영어 번역


托尼(瑞奇·热维斯饰)原本过着幸福美满的生活。但他的妻子丽莎去世后,托尼性情大变。他曾想结束自己的生命,但最终决定要长久地活着,放纵自己,肆意任为,借此惩罚这个世界。他认为自己好像拥有一种超级力量,不再关心自己或任何人。但事实证明,当每个人试图拯救他们曾经认识的好人时,这种力量瞬间弱化。  除热维斯之外,本片主演还有饰演托尼妻子丽莎的克里·戈德利曼(《德里克》)、饰演托尼妹夫马特的汤姆·巴斯登(《罗马三贱客》、《路上人生》)、饰演托尼好友兰尼的托尼·威(《明日边缘》)、饰演托尼父亲的大卫·布拉德利(《哈利·波特》系列电影、《权利的游戏》)以及饰演托尼父亲的护士的阿什利·詹森(《临时演员》)。  其他主演还有佩内洛普·威尔顿(《唐顿庄园》、《神秘博士》)、大卫·厄尔(《陵园路口》、《德里克》)、乔·威尔金森(《他和她》)、克里·戈德利曼(《德里克》)、曼蒂...


Tony (Ricky gervis) used to live a happy life. But after his wife Lisa died, Tony's temperament changed greatly. He wanted to end his life, but finally decided to live for a long time, indulge himself and act recklessly, so as to punish the world. He felt as if he had a super power and no longer cared about himself or anyone. But it turns out that this power weakens instantly when everyone tries to save the good people they once knew. In addition to gervis, the film stars Kerry godliman (Derek), who plays Tony's wife Lisa, Tom barsden, who plays Tony's brother-in-law Matt (the three bitches in Rome, life on the road), Tony Wei, who plays Tony's friend Lanny (the edge of tomorrow) David Bradley as Tony's father (Harry Potter films, game of Thrones) and Ashley Jason as Tony's father's nurse (extras). Other stars include Penelope Wilton (Downton Abbey, Dr. Mystery), David Earl (cemetery junction, Derek), Joe Wilkinson (he and her), Kerry godliman (Derek), Mandy

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