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번역 결과

"亲爱的柯总您好! 感谢您对预付款邮件的及时回复!但仍有以下问题需要" ~ 중 영어 번역


礼 ! 王景全


Dear Mr. Ke!
Thank you for your prompt reply to the prepaid email! However, there are still some problems that need your attention.
About foo payment:
1. When you accept the payment from foo, you should not agree to the acceptance bill paid by the other party.
2. Before you accept the acceptance bill, you should communicate with us to confirm that we can make efforts to change the payment method of the other party.
3. Now, without our consent, you have accepted the user's acceptance bill and transferred it to tempo. We can't use these two acceptance bills. If discounted, there will be a 6% handling charge. In this way, tempro will lose 3480179.17 * 6% = 200880 yuan.
4. At present, before the Spring Festival, Harbin and fu'ao projects need a lot of order payment, and they are in urgent need of cash, but the above money can not be used. At present, the order payment of 1500000 for Harbin project is not enough. The order of fu'ao project will face great difficulties.
Please explain the above.
As for the payment for V-seat and stereo warehouse, we hope you will deduct it from the next payment of the production line. If you insist on deducting it from this payment, please withdraw the electronic acceptance bill of RMB 1000000, and pay us the balance in cash.
Courtesy! Wang Jingquan

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