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번역 결과

"摘要:《薪酬管理》课程设计基于“以学习成果导向,以学生为中心”的教" ~ 중 영어 번역




Absrtact: the curriculum design of salary management is based on the teaching concept of "learning achievement oriented, student-centered", with the help of superstar learning platform, and the use of a variety of information technology and resources to implement the curriculum design and teaching. The course content is connected with the professional standards, and the teaching objectives, teaching results and teaching contents are reconstructed; the teaching process is connected with the working process, and the results oriented three-stage hybrid interactive teaching of "pre class preview stage + Classroom Teaching Stage + after class promotion stage" is organized, forming the teaching mode of "OBE + Learning pass", and realizing the deep integration of information technology and education It improves the students' classroom participation and comprehensive practical ability.

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