온라인 번역 번역 쿼리
온라인으로 번역 할 내용 입력 ( 500 자까지 입력 가능)
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번역 결과

"墙面整体采用橄榄绿,顶面采用极简线条搭配客厅的无主灯设计,简约舒适" ~ 중 영어 번역




Olive green is used on the whole wall, minimalist lines are used on the top surface, with the design of no main light in the living room, simple and comfortable wood fabric sofa. The wall echoes with the single sofa, simple and fashionable table matching, lemon yellow and peacock blue of the dining chair add a sense of fashion to the space, and echo with the pillow on the sand hair. The wall painting is colorless, adding a sense of tranquility to the space. The flowers on the table light up the vitality of the whole space. Combined with the lazy cats on the carpet, the whole space is full of the breath of nature.

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