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"什么?" ~ 중 영어 번역





관련 콘텐츠

'宝贝你在做什么?' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Baby, what are you doing?。
'我现在准备写婚姻的部分。你方便说说,你的爷爷奶奶的婚姻情况吗?他们是怎么认识的?多大年龄结的婚?他们哪个年代结婚都需要准备什么?男方准备什么?女方准备什么?结婚后住在哪里?爷爷奶奶分别是做什么的?你可以说阿拉伯语,我反复的听,慢慢就能听明白' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: I'm going to write the marriage part now. Is it convenient for you to talk about your grandparents' marriage? How did they meet? How old did you get married? What do they need to prepare for marriage in any age? What does the man prepare? What does the woman prepare? Where do you live after marriage? What do grandparents do respectively? You can speak Arabic. I can understand it slowly by listening repeatedly。
'阿马齐格主要的商品有银子、珊瑚、橄榄树,陶器,还有什么?' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: Amazig's main commodities are silver, coral, olive trees, pottery, and what else?。
'你穿什么?你的毛衣里面' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: What are you wearing? Inside your sweater。
'你穿什么?在你的毛衣里面' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: What are you wearing? In your sweater。
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