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온라인으로 번역 할 내용 입력 ( 500 자까지 입력 가능)
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번역 결과

"例年なら、沖縄や北海道へ避難することができたが、去年からは我慢せざ" ~ 중 영어 번역




For example, the case of the year of なららら〥〥〥がががががががががががががががががががががががががががががかかがががががががががががが, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last year, last it's the same thing. When you go out, you need to go out for 20 days (one piece of pollen, one piece of pollen).
They are the same as each other.
In addition, the Yuan Dynasty passed the Yuan Dynasty. At the end of the year, there was a year-on-year growth in the area.
In recent years, there have been plans, emergency manifestos, and so on.

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