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번역 결과

"宿舍生活有快乐也有烦恼,快乐就是有更多的陪伴以及相互督促,烦恼是需" ~ 중 영어 번역




There are both happiness and trouble in dormitory life. Happiness means more company and mutual supervision. Trouble means more tolerance for everyone's different living habits.
If a harmonious dormitory is there will be more benefits, so harmony is very important, which means that everyone is happy, positive and can learn more.
The construction of the dormitory must be something that we should work hard to identify with, and we need to be prepared and communicate with each other.

관련 콘텐츠

'宿舍生活有快乐也有烦恼,快乐就是有更多的陪伴以及相互督促,烦恼是需要大家更多的包容每个人不同的生活习惯。,如果一个和谐的宿舍是会有更多的好处,所以和谐很重要,代表着大家都是比较开心的,也是积极向上的,也是能学习到更多的东西。,构建和协的宿舍一定是要大家一起努力去认同的物事,需要大家都做好准备以及沟通。在一些事物上表达清楚自已的想法然后再去融合进行修正,集体能认同,能包容的事物。' ~ 중 영어 번역 대상: There are both happiness and trouble in dormitory life. Happiness means more company and mutual supervision. Trouble means more tolerance for everyone's different living habits.,If a harmonious dormitory is there will be more benefits, so harmony is very important, which means that everyone is happy, positive and can learn more.,The construction of the dormitory must be something that we should work hard to identify with, and we need to be prepared and communicate with each other. Express your own ideas clearly on some things, and then go to the fusion for correction, which can be recognized and contained by the collective.。
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